God Who? Nature and Attributes Part 1
Too many people pre-suppose certain fundamentals of God's nature. Some say he is an impersonal force, some say he is personal. Christians believe in the goodness of the nature of God, but many could not tell you why. Some Hindu's believe there are many gods, and they may be seperate entities, or emanations from one divine being. Is God eternal and immutable, and why does it matter? Is God just and merciful and does he care about his creation? Short questions with enormous implications. No matter what religion or belief system we hold to, we should be searching for the truth about God. As a Christian, I believe God is immutable, holy, righteous, spirit, eternal, unique, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, triune, and personal. God loves his creation and man created in his likeness and image. His sent the Son as an offering for man's rebellion, and through faith in Christ there is redemption and union with God. The attributes I have just listed as well as the religious truth I have just presented bring an incredible hope and reward for those who seek the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Your view of God will determine how you live your life, and where you will spend eternity or if there is one. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." Short sentence but if true, we should do everything we can to know the way, the truth, and the life. No person can afford complacency in the search for God and what it means to be a human being because who God is, determines who we are. I will be discussing the attributes of God from a Christian perspective in the following weeks.
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