Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I have been enjoying Ben Witherington’s blog for the past several months because he challenges my way of seeing things.  I was reading his blog recently about an Iraqi named Ohmar, and getting a point of view on the current conflict my country is now facing in his country. Some of those posting on Mr. Witherington’s site have mentioned the breakdown of the Church as a community; we have become to individualistic as Christians.  I think this is absolutely true.  We are not binding together in prayer.  We must wonder how different the conflict in Iraq might be if this were not so.  We must pray as Christ prayed: “May they be one, as we are one”.  I have often said I can defend the gospel (apologetics), but not my political party affiliations.  Politicians make decisions (good or bad) rarely for righteous reasons.  We must unite, not as Americans, Iraqis, or under any nationalistic banner, but as those in Christ; redeeming the world by living and proclaiming the gospel.  I am an American and I love my country, but I am first a Christian who believes the world will be transformed by the gospel (spiritual liberty). I pray that we the Church will be one as the Father and Son are one.  May we be quick to pray and slow to wage war, but never too slow to defend the weak and innocent from the wicked. Let the Church pray: his will be done on earth as it is in heaven!



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