The Ultimate Rope a Dope.
"In him was life, and that life was the light of men."
John 1:4
I have heard Muslim clerics question the validity of Christianity for the doctrine that God died; "how could God die?" It is impossible. I think what is missing first is that Christians do not believe by death, that God ceased to exist, but that the body he took in Christ, suffered death. If some find this impossible, I would argue that only if he were not truly God would it be impossible.
Who but God himself could take a body, allow it to be tortured and killed, then raise it up again in three days. God's death on a cross does not bring into question his Deity, but magnifies it because of his resurrection. Only God has power to raise the dead, and if he is life, he can juvenate what he wishes. Life embraced death and killed it. God goes up against the ropes, allows death to encompass him, and in a cold, dark, and hopeless tomb, brings forth the first-born from the dead.
The Christian Gospel is a true lovers story of love's sacrifice and power, and the first glimpse of an eternal day to come.
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