Thursday, June 30, 2005

Fuzzy Jesus

America is called a "christian nation" by the world, but I do not think it is Christian in the true sense of the word. The problem is two pronged, it is moral and theological. I had a friend who flat out rejected all of the central doctrines of Christianity, but still considered himself a Christian because he accepted the "Golden Rule" taught in the Bible. My wife has a Muslim friend who claims to be a christian as well as a muslim, but denied that Jesus was even crucified or resurrected.

The current trend in some denominations is blurring the definition further. You can be a practicing homosexual and not only be a christian, but be ordained as a minister in that particular denomination, e.g. united church of christ, anglican, and epicopalian. Jesus and Christianity are being defined out of meaning. Jesus is becomming a chameleon in american society; a generic messiah that conforms to anyone's personal style. In a society that is embracing subjective reality, a concrete first century Jesus is to narrow and claims too much.

The Christian Jesus makes sacrificial claims on our lives. We are commanded to "take up our cross" and follow Jesus. We do not get to choose our path, the path has been blazed by the true and living Jesus. There are no other messiahs;there are no other "true" gods;there are no other absolute moral standards. When Jesus conforms to the culture he is no longer the way,the truth, and the life, but a false anti-christ proclaimed by the blind. The salt loses its saltiness and is trampled under the foot of society.

Christians do not have the luxury of a one size fits all religion. The message is"surrender or die". God's judgement looms over the world, but his love and truth came into it. If this love and truth are refused and redefined, there is nothing left but judgement. Love and truth are an indispensible unity. You cannot have true love without truth, and truth without love would leave us hopeless. The homosexual may not be able to change what he feels, but they must submit their passions to Christ or be judged. The muslim may want to praise Jesus as a prophet, but if they reject him as Lord, they should reject him all together.



At 11:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're totally right. Our culture has a very watered down version. I really like Lewis' "Liar, Lunatic or Lord" theory. Given the claims that Jesus makes, either he's a liar/manipulator (and thus not a really great role model), a crazy person (and wow, why would we want him as a role model then?) or Lord. You've really only got three choices when you seriously consider the text.


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