Science Needs The True Religion
The religion of the twentieth and twenty first century is science. Society has put it's hope for a more meaningful, comfortable, and healthier future into the hands of a new priesthood of scientist. Many believe science will answer all of the nagging questions of man's origins and purpose, and when the priesthood speaks, the theories become dogmas and creeds preached from the pulpits of university campuses.
The big question is, can we find meaning in a testube? The problem with having too much faith in science, is that by it's very nature, it is limited in answering many fundamental question such as, what is good, what is truth, what is meaning, or the meaning of meaning. Science is a weak and an a-moral god, and can be used by its followers for any means to any end.. Think of the atom. Science has given us atomic energy and an atomic bomb. How does science determine our ethical responsibilities to each of these discoveries?
Can science validate immaterial concepts such as logic and reason, love, self-sacrifice, human rights, and equality, with bilogical theories? Science might tell us what area of the brain functions as self-control, but it cannot inform us if self-control ethically matters. Scientist can discover what biological factors occurr when I "fall in love", but can it tell me to love my enemies, and do good to those that hate me?
Science is a dicipline not a diety, and society must decide which diety will rule science. Science needs something or someone (the true God) outside itself to guide it's hand for the good of all people. Left to man (pluralism) science will blindly lead the blind, and we all know where they wind up.
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