Moral relativism is slowly eating away at the foundation of the west. American and European societies are complacent in the fight against evil, and tire too easily in the fight for justice and freedom. Globally and locally, western culture has lost its sense of duty to itself and the world. America is bemoaned by Europe for its lingering belief in moral absolutes in the war on terror, and our efforst to rid the world of these low life, international murderers, is hampered by partisan whining over lost power, and elite media bias. Spin is in and confusion clouds the clear objective to win the war against evil.
The confusion is not only political but social as well. Child molesters and rapist are given light sentences for evil crimes, and murderers who should at least be serving life sentences, are parolled and loose on the streets. Children are given condoms, drug users are given needles, unborn children are killed by their mothers and doctors, and the oddity of it all, is that this is all done in the name of "freedom" and "compassion". Goodness is being inverted and redifined by a culture that no longer thinks but feels.
The church has been poisoned by this moral confusion and has watered down it's message of sin and redemption. We have seeker "friendly" churches who attempt to appeal to culture rather than preach the gospel. The Church is caught up in prosperity and happiness instead of truth and righteousness. "Man shall not live by bread alone", but God's word is replaced by worthless T.V evangelist tricksters, new age fads, or scepticism. The survival of wetern civilization depends on the church's duty to it's calling to be salt and light.
The Bible says that the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church, and this is a great promise in these confusing times. I would like to encourage all of my fellow Christians to pound on the gates of hell with prayer, obediance, truth, love, compassion, and sacrifice. Let us seek justice for victims, help for the poor, comfort for the brokenhearted. Lets us rise to the ocasssion of these times, shine the light of Christ with deeds and words, and clear up the metaphysical fog that has clouded our civilization.
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