Sunday, November 13, 2005

Tolerance Must Die!

“It is very clear, brothers and sisters, that the path of jihad and the desire for martyrdom is embedded in the holy prophet and his beloved companions."

“By preparing ourselves for this kind of work, we are guaranteeing ourselves for paradise and gaining the pleasure of Allah."

This is a quote taken from a Mohammad Sidique Khan, "ringleader of the London bombings which killed 52 commuters in th U.K, " quoted in the Sunday Times - Britain.

Terrorist have just threatened the Queen of England, and the irony, is that Prince Charles has been in the United States urging that we be more tolerant of islam. Tolerance for people with oposing views is fine; tolerance for those trying to muder you is suicide. I wonder if the Queen of England needs to be more tolerant of her potential assasins? Do you think the Prince ran home to the Queen Mother, and begged her to visit a mosque, or bow towards mecca when she prays? Will the Brits display the same kind of Neville Chamberlain idiocy, and make nice with filthy murderes? Terrorist must die, and so should tolerance towards them. A nations of decency should not find itself on its knees, kissing the backends of blood thirsty fanatics. We should not rest until each and everyone of these killers is dead or locked up in Guantonamo. TOTT


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