Friday, September 16, 2005


The folowing definitions were taken from

Main Entry: ho·mo·pho·bia Pronunciation: "hO-m&-'fO-bE-& Function: noun : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals —ho·mo·phobe



n : prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality

This definition is contrived nonsense. This term is used for name calling, and is not an irrational aversion. I would even go as far to say that it is “poisoning the well” on any serious debate on the issue. If I am labeled a “homophobe” before I can even present a reasoned argument against homosexuality, my logic is discredited before it is considered.

The first definition uses the term “aversion” to homosexuality. The problem with this definition is that most male heterosexuals find the idea of male homosexuality disgusting, not because they are homophobic, but because they are heterosexual. If gay men can’t help their attraction to the same sex, heterosexual men can’t help their not being attracted to other men. It makes sense that heterosexual males would find sex with a man disgusting because he is not by definition a homosexual.

Over 90% of the male population is heterosexual; the male body is fitted for reproduction with a woman not a man. A man desiring only men sexually is most certainly the exception and not the rule, and the fact that this has to even be stated reveals how far we have defected intellectually as a society. Being gay or lesbian is not the biological norm, and stating this fact does not make a person a homophobe. If I happen to have an aversion to the act of a man placing his penis in the anus or mouth of another man, I am not a homophobe, I am a heterosexual!

Name calling is what 3rd graders do in a playground at lunch and recess, but serious thought, facts, and argumentation concerning sexuality, should be done without demagoguery and prejudice. Having serious doubts and concerns about the biological veracity of homosexuality being equal to heterosexuality is not a sin of hatefulness, but an honest skepticism about the meaning and purpose of same sex, sex.


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