Waking up on Christmas
The war on Christmas is finally being engaged by Christians. It is good to see, but it was too long in coming. It has taken an all out assault on Christmas to awaken Christian sensibilities to the hostility of secularism to our great and precious faith; hostility that even had America's retailers afraid to say Merry Christmas to their customers. There is a sick truth to all of this unfortunately. We have given the humanist significant control of our schools, courts, arts and sciences, and politics, but we will be damned if they rename our favorite holiday! We let them pass out condoms to school kids, we let them remove the ten commandments from our courthouses, and legitimize gay and lesbian relationships, but they better say "Merry Christmas"? I am happy that a sleeping church is awaking, but I am a bit perplexed at what it has taken to open our eyes. We have a long way to go in this war, and we better care more about what is happening than just the assault on Christmas. The west is the battle front for the new millennia. We are at the "Black Gates of Mordor"(final battle in Return of the King). We have the numbers, the message, but we will need the will to engage and fight for the fate of the west and the world. Christianity is the salt and light of this world, and there is no good reason for us to be trampled under the foot of humanism.
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