The Nature and Attributes of God Part 5: God is Truth
God is truth. God is not simply a truth, but all truth finds it's source in his being. In his being there is no inconsistancy, contradiction, or falehood.The practical, theological and philosophical implications of this belief are not to be underestimated. Amen is used in the Bible to denote agreement to a decree issued by God, to which the people respond in agreement "amen" (Deut 27:16), in response to worship of God (ps. 41:13), or in response to a corporate prayer (1 Chr. 16:34-36). The scripture also refer to God as the "God of Amen" (*Is. 65:16). Jesus is also referred to as the "Amen" (rev. 3:14). Amen in these instances means "Truth". Jesus also claimed to be the "Truth" (Jn. 14:6).
When Christians claim that Jesus is the Truth, we are not being closed minded. We are being absoute because that is the nature of true statements. When I say that George W. Bush is president of the United States, some may not like the statement, but it is still true. It is an absolute statement about the current occupant of the presidency, but this does not make me close minded, it reveals I am rational. Because a statement is religious, such as "Jesus is the only begotten Son of God" does not exempt it from being true or false. Statement are true or false because of the validity of what they state, regardless of the category of statements made.
Society is saturated with relativism. Relativist say there is no truth, but is that a true statement? Truth is inescapable, and as my friend Bob Passantino would say, "truth will set you free, or judge you." This is the nature of our God, and this is the nature of Christ' Gospel. We can depend on God because he does not lie and is the source of truth. This should give us great hope and assurance, but this should also cause us to fear. The Gospel offers freedom for faith and repentance, but it offers judgement for unbelief and disobediance. We can count on either side of the coin depending on our response to Jesus Christ.
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