Green Day's American Idiot: Part 1
We are all aware of the labeling of generations such as, "Baby Boomers", "Generation X", and "Generation Y", but I would like to create a new label for the geration currently buying into the mindless spew of pop cultures anti-heros, such as, "Green Day". The label is "Dude Where is My Car?" generation. We know we are in trouble as a culture when, blathering incoherent, punk band geeks are taken seriously about life and death issues. If educating our children about the dangers of violence in video games, smoking, and leaky condoms is getting so much press these days, how about not taking political, moral, and social advice from boys with instruments. Lets look at their "thought provoking" lyrics on the new single "American Idiot". The lyrics decry America's war in iraq, media hype, and apparent sensationalism over the dangers and threats of terrorism.
Well maybe I'm the faggot America. I'm not a part of a redneck agenda. Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along in the age of paranoia.
It is sad when someone thinks they are communicating something truly important, but lack the creative clarity to say anything truly meaningful. Tis verse is no exception. Using propaganda to "propagandize" against propaganda is silly and self-refuting. The term "redneck" is obviously a racial slur against a segment of white American's with whom Green day believes is paranoid and gullible;however, name calling proves nothing about the point they are trying to make. There are "red necks" who do not happen to agree with the war in Iraq, so being a redneck has nothing to do wih agreeing or dis-agreeing with the war. If all rednecks did agree with the war, it still would not add any point to their argument. They are simply degrading rednecks who dis-agree with them.There may be some paranoia going on at all levels in post 911 America, but we no longer can afford the glass bubble of invincibility the U.S. once enjoyed. Dealing with the emerging threats against democracy and freedom are complicated and real, and it seems that these fool hearted punker's are paraniod about the paranoia of these modern threats. 911 was a success by the terrorist, it was not their first, and it will not be their last. This is not paranoia, this is a fact. If paranoia is going after these radicals and killing them , then a little paranoia may be a healthy thing. TOTT
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