Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Suffering Shepherd, Suffering Sheep

The Jews current predicament in Gaza, is to say the least, sad and unfair. Since the destruction of the second temple, the Jewish people have struggled to maintain their ancient hebrew language, customs, and preserve the foundational religion of Christianity, Judaism. Their struggle has been monumental, and their survival as a religion and race has been fraught with the contempt and rejection of the world. What is both beautiful and ironic to me about their situation, is how it parallels Jesus life and ministry. Jesus was born under roman occupation with no rights or perks of roman citizenship. His religion and view of himself was rejected by his own people and he was crucified by both roman and jewish authorities.

Like the Jews over the last two millenia, Christ has been rejected and scorned by governments and individuals; misunderstood and slandered by the world;his people persecuted and reviled to this day. My hope is that Christians will be aware of the anxiety, fear, and hope of this current Jewish generation, and begin to offer our comfort and consolation to a people that evil men in the church had once persecuted. It is our duty to put on the humility of Christ, and show our thanksgiving to God for the nation that brought us Jesus Christ. I hope that one day the Jewish people will accept Jesus Christ, and take comfort in his sufferings. " He was despised and rejected of men, and one whom men hide their face from". Isaiah 53 speaks of the suffering servant of God. Jews interpret this is passage as referring to Israel;Christian interpret this as referring to Christ, but it may be that it referrs to both. I am not sure what lies ahead for the state of Israel, but I hope that our God and Savior will lead them to the promise who wept and died for their plight two thousand years ago. TOTT


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