Week 4 begins! I have a few thoughts in regards to the following ethical systems:
Aristotle's Virtue Ethics: Of all the ethical systems I find Aristotle's most appealing, but I have a few issues with his system:
- Aristotle believed what differentiates humans from animals was reason (i would agree), so to be a virtuous human would mean to reason well or reason with excellence. Problem: What about love? Not family love or sexual love, but the ability to even love (seek the well being) our enemies. Would this not be virtuous or excellence? Also, what if I am intellectually handicapped, or suffer a traumatic brain injury that impairs my ability to reason; am I now less virtuous? What if I reason poorly but love deeply?
- Confucian ethics does not separate the individual from their role in the family and society, in fact, the state is considered the extension or the incorporation of the family.
- The parts have no value apart from the whole. In my opinion the systems then become the source of value rather than the human beings that form the systems. It is like the question "what comes first the chicken or the egg"; what came first the human being or the social systems we now inhabit. Are we born for a role, for society sake or are we born into society in which we are valued for being human?
TOTT (Think on These Things)
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