Green Day's American Idiot: Part 2

Green Day is doing the very thing they accuse the media of doing. These lyrics are hysterical and full of paranoia. Apparantly Green Day believes that they are the only ones wise to media bias and sensationalism, but the rest of America is some how more dull and less sophisticated to the tripe offered by talking heads and yellow journalism. Thank God for Green Day, and their ability to see what the rest of us "American Idiots" fail to wrap our small minds around! This is nothing more than typical rock god arrogance that courses through the veins of "usefull Idiots".
This rock flavored non-sense has nothing to do with the right or wrong of the war in Iraq. "American Idiot" is a rampage of insult and childish foot stomping. "I am right, and you are an "IDIOT" is this song in a nutshell. A sixteen year olds in a garage band could have written this shallow attempt of political expression. I am not sure of the consumer age for Green Day rock, but hopefully they are buying for the rock and not the droll!
The war against terror and the nations that support them is going to be complex and controversial. The U.S. will make good decisions and we will make bad decisions, and our enemies will exploit every controversy and failing of our elected officials and the American people. The real rub is when those who enjoy the priviledge of freedom, who succeed and flourish under all of this nations priviledges, mock and degrade their fellow citizens with contempt and arrogance. Many Americans are not sure if our war against terorism is going down the right road;can democracy take root in a region known for violence and bloodshed? Should we take out Iran's nuclear capabilites? How should we deal with North Korea or China? We may divide as a nation concerning the answers to these questions,but God help us if glass bubble rock stars are ever taken seriously on matters of life and death. TOTT
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