If you are looking for God in this world, apart from Jesus Christ, you will never find him. In Jesus the powerfull, wonderfull, sweet, and over coming love of God is displayed. His great light blazes from the truth of his cross, incinerating our sins, and lifting us up where we do not belong, into his peace that surpasses understanding. You will not find the love of God revealed in any other religion. Christ has profoundly, openly, sacrificially, revealed the heart of God. Christ is the door wide open into the presence of our creator and Judge. He longs for us to receive our adoption into his family. Every tear is wiped away, sin and death are forever removed, and we can dwell in the midst of his great love and compassion forever and ever. I love being home in Jesus Christ. I count my blessings that my sins have been pardoned, that God desires me in his home, and even though I have not completed my journey into the completeness of his presence, his spirit bears witness with mine, that I am his child, my adoption is settled, and my home awaits me with rooms full of brothers and sisters, and a heavenly Father who has loved me before the foundations of the earth.
Wow - that's a stunning picture, and it looks like you and one of your sons, but I can't be sure - is it? Surely Joshua isn't that big already??
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