The Goodness of God is an opportunity for all
When God created the heavens and the earth he said it was good. When he created man, God said it was good. Man had the oppotunity to love him, know him, and discover an entire universe revealing his wonders unhindered by moral evil. Imagine the possibilities that were discarded at the fall of man. Christ comes and the gospel is established , and the possibilties by the goodness of God are restored, but we must act on the goodness provided by our creator. When we fail to see the opportunities he provides we squander magnificent resources for the advancement of his kingdom. We will fail to morally transform ourselves and the world around us if we neglect his divine blessings. I would like to encourage my fellow Christians as well as those who may not have faith in Christ to search for God's goodness and make the most of the opportunities it provides. God's word gives us great and precious promises regarding the nature of God and his desire to love us and to be worshiped and loved by us. The Bible say's that his word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. God's word is a blessing and provides an opportunity for us to get to know and love him. Our lives are transformed by the renewing of our minds to the thoughts and ideals of our maker, making us wise, loving, and purposefull in this world. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We are more than beast and food alone does not fill the deeper need for value and purpose. God's word has been given to the world to feed this deeper need of our unseen self. Let us take the opportunity of God's goodness in the provision of his word and discover the possibilities. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. There is great evil in this world and man is in moral confusion and chaos. We turn to political movements, philosophy, vain religion, sex, drugs, and rock and roll only to find a shallow grave for hope and value. A light has come into the world but men prefer these poor substitues to his divine nature and love. Truth is supressed in un-righteousness so we might continue with the temporary discarding the eternal. The goodness of God comes and some miss the awsome oppotunity of union with God in Christ that his Gospel brings. He saves us from our sins! Not simply from judgement of our sins, but as George MacDonald has claimed, from sin itself; from the slavery of a disobedient nature that cannot comply with divine freedom. Lets fully surrender ouselves to the Gospel and reap the benefits of it's goodness. In every facet of life we find the provision of God's goodness that gives us great opportunity to advance the kingdom of God and his righteousness. The family is the bedrock from which our children can be raised in the nuture and knowledge of Christ. The proper direction of our children can have a profound impact that leads a society in the direction of godliness. The church is God's instrument for the spiritual development of the saint. We are to encourage each other in the faith, and love and care for one another and the world around us. We have missed incredible opportunity throughout history to advance the kingdom, due to a our rejection of God's ultimate design of the church; to be God's instrument of peace to a suffering world. In the United States the Church has squandered it's enormous wealth on self serving "T.V. Evangelist" organizations who brag about their Jets and state of the art buldings. Imagine the shape of our nation if the church acted obediantly to it's call of practical evangelism (salt and light). Let us unify the church and tranform nations by the power of the Gospel, obediance, corporate sacrifice, and a desire to see and participate in the goodness of God.