When Celebrities Attack!

A good example is Ellen DeGeneres. She is the funniest female comedian to come around in a long time. I enjoyed her stand up routines and her sitcom, but when she began to take herself too seriously by letting us all know she loved to bed women, she was no longer amusing. Homophobia did not temporarily disable her career, but her belief that her sexuality crusade was as important to us as it was to her. I always believed Ellen was a lesbian but that was her own business, and frankly I did not care. When Ellen stepped outside of her role as entertainer, she stepped out of the one thing that made her publicly likeable. Homosexuality is a controversial topic, so it is no surprise that her career took a nose dive. Ellen decided ( wisely I believe) to become an entertainer again. Her talk show is top notch and the controversy is left outside the show.
Tom Cruise goes on religious tirades, Jane Fonda flirts with enemy combatants, and a host of ego-inflated celebrities continually blur the line between entertaining and important. The most annoying type of person in the work-place is someone who assumes responsibilities and leadership that they have not been given. These sorry individuals are usually ignored, laughed at, and sometimes despised, but they are rarely taken seriously. I believe this may be the reason that most celebs have had little influence in affecting the masses. Most individuals (including celebs) take their personal opinions very seriously, and in my opinion, would not give over important personal convictions to an entertainer. TOTT