Truth: Part 1
There is much being said about tolerance, and the importance of respecting opinions, individuals and societies different from our own. I believe that we should be respectful towards our fellow human beings, but what does it mean to be truly respectful? If what is meant by respectful is to consider someone else’s beliefs and practices as equally true and valid as our own, then I would have to respectfully disagree. Disregard for truth is never respectful or tolerant. To regard all worldviews equally true does not show respect, but indifference to humanities responsibility to seek truth.
If in the name of tolerance, we validate contradiction, then our ability to think critically dissolves into absurdity. Imagine if the scientific community decided to exchange the scientific method for the “modern tolerance method”, so instead of scientifically confirming biological differences between men and women, they decide to not offend feminist (their views are as valid as the biologist) and denied in the name of the “tolerance method of science” that men and women are different. How could medicine advance the health of men and women if it operated with the view that men and women were not different? How would women feel respected if they were treated like a male by their physician and likewise, how would men feel respected if treated like a women by their physician?
Our equality is not found in opinions, way of life, ideas, or gender, but in our being human and our being created in the image and likeness of God. We are not eating, drinking, mating organisms of chance, but rational creatures with a God given instinct to seek and know truth. To disagree is not showing disrespect, but to forbid the possibility of humanity discerning truth and falsity shows contempt for our capacity to be rational human beings.