Just a Thought
I was thinking today about fearing God. I realize some do not like this perspective on God, but such an understanding of the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I have an analogy that I thought was interesting: I remember as a child being called to the dinner table, but never coming when my mother first called because I was having too much fun with my friends; my mother would continue to call me, but I continued to ignore her and have fun. What always found my attention was my mother’s threat to inform my dad that I was not listening. If dad came home before I did, I was in a world of hurt. My father loved me, and part of loving me meant discipline. This would mean restriction from seeing my friends, or a hand across my backside.
What I find interesting about the situation is that my mother would have to plead with me to come and eat a wonderful home cooked meal, and that only the threat of an angry dad would cause me to come. It is strange that the God of heaven and earth would have to resort to punishment to get us to come to him. All of the wonderful things he has to give; a table full of pleasures, joy, and peace, but we will not come unless threatened. We are not threatened to come and be slaves, but to come and be sons and daughters. Maybe hell is the right place for those who find God’s invitation to his presence and family so avoidable.