The Thinking Man and Sex Part 1
"Unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality. " Reference :
I am a heterosexual male with neither an unreasoning fear or hatred for individuals who are attracted to the same sex, so according to the above definition I am safe from any serious mental incapacity. However, like some words in the the English language, words can be used pejoratively. In my opinion that is exactly the intent and purpose of this nocuous word.
The word 'Homophobia' serves only one purpose in the English language; to disparage and belittle persons who happen to think homosexuality is not the sexual norm nor a biologically sound equivalent to heterosexuality. I despise this word because it incapacitates rational debate on sexuality; it denies a person the right to have a rational opinion that may contradict those who are practicing homosexuals, or those who believe in giving homosexuality the same status and protection of heterosexuality.
There is nothing wrong with challenging the status quo opinions on any subject, but third grade name calling sheds light on nothing. Sex is a powerful force of nature and America's declining respect for the creative or destructive power of sex is indicative of our lack of serious thinking about human sexuality. I knew a woman who let her son ingest pornography on the internet; she had no problem with her boys masturbating at the computer as they watched whatever their imagination could type into the google search engine. I asked her if she understood anything about a males insatiable appetite for sex, and if she understood the sexual frustration those images would induce in her boys? Her response? A blank stare.
The problem with sex in the last 40 or 50 years is not that we are talking too little about sex, but that we are not thinking about our responsibility (socially or ethically) towards sexuality. Our civilization spends billions on exploiting women and men's bodies, and more and more we are treating intercourse like a handshake than a profoundly intimate pleasure and life giving experience. "It feels good, so it must be ok" is the new guide for sexual values. The word homophobe is not just about homosexuality, it is about how we talk to each other about sex; how we disagree about sex, and how think about thinking about sex. TOTT