Part 2: How To Be A Man

I have heard faceless radio shrinks and t.v. talking heads blather about men's "roles" in society, and that men find their self-worth in what they do for a living. Is a man less a man if he stays at home with the kids while the wife works? Do men have a feminine side to get in-touch with? Should men be secretaries or nurses? All these are interesting questions, but I do not think they tell us anything about being a man. Since people have different opinions about such questions, it may seem that "maleness" has been confused beyond any hope of identification.
But men are confused because they have lost their belief in a creator, and replaced him with science and relativism. We need the John Waynes and Arnold Schwarzenegger because the intellectuals and pop culture have iced God, and replaced him with the flavor of the month. Brad Pitt may be the male standard today, but it may be queer eye for the straight guy tomorrow.
Since we have been created for a purpose by God, it seems logical that when we pursue this purpose our "maleness" flows naturally without question, or confusion. Manhood is expressed most fully by the man closest to God. The ultimate example we have is Jesus. Christ breaks all of the modern rules and past historical pre-suppositions concerning manhood, and the N.T. teachings have chisled a difficult road to travel for the "dazed and confused". Stay tuned for the next mind numbing post on "manhood".