Friday, September 16, 2005

Homo-What? - Continued

In my previous post, I discussed the masked demagoguery and the ad-homonym design of the term "Homophobic". Instead of engaging sincere reasons for rejecting homosexuality as a viable "lifestyle", the "enlightened", stamp the person with a magic label that reduces reasonable doubt to a phobia. There is rational debate as to the "compos mentis" of the gay/lesbian libido, and the theological, moral, and sociological discussions on the topic should not be reduced to "playground" semantics.

Sex is a powerful, passionate force in the universe. It gives one of the ultimate physical pleasures a human being will experience, and at the same time, can produce unimaginable agony, regret, and social breakdown. The world cannot take lightly the implications of any sexual behavior, whether for the better or for the worse of humanity. Men and women are free to engage their sexual desires in the privacy of their own homes, this is between them and their maker, but restructuring the concepts of biological and social normalcy leads to changing the very ideal that fuses stability into society, the Family.

There are biological reasons for there being male and female (dah), and this biology affects the way children are nurtured and raised. The male and female differences have played a role in every single individuals upbringing, and in a healthy, committed male and female marriage, a child receives a complete balance that the differences were meant to bring. Our sons, do not obtain the category of affection from their mother that they receive from me; I do not have boobs and a uterus. They come to me for completely different reasons. My wife and I bring a healthy equilibrium to our children's needs. This perception is not a moral, theological, or a homophobic construct; it is just biology 101. TOTT


The folowing definitions were taken from

Main Entry: ho·mo·pho·bia Pronunciation: "hO-m&-'fO-bE-& Function: noun : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals —ho·mo·phobe



n : prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality

This definition is contrived nonsense. This term is used for name calling, and is not an irrational aversion. I would even go as far to say that it is “poisoning the well” on any serious debate on the issue. If I am labeled a “homophobe” before I can even present a reasoned argument against homosexuality, my logic is discredited before it is considered.

The first definition uses the term “aversion” to homosexuality. The problem with this definition is that most male heterosexuals find the idea of male homosexuality disgusting, not because they are homophobic, but because they are heterosexual. If gay men can’t help their attraction to the same sex, heterosexual men can’t help their not being attracted to other men. It makes sense that heterosexual males would find sex with a man disgusting because he is not by definition a homosexual.

Over 90% of the male population is heterosexual; the male body is fitted for reproduction with a woman not a man. A man desiring only men sexually is most certainly the exception and not the rule, and the fact that this has to even be stated reveals how far we have defected intellectually as a society. Being gay or lesbian is not the biological norm, and stating this fact does not make a person a homophobe. If I happen to have an aversion to the act of a man placing his penis in the anus or mouth of another man, I am not a homophobe, I am a heterosexual!

Name calling is what 3rd graders do in a playground at lunch and recess, but serious thought, facts, and argumentation concerning sexuality, should be done without demagoguery and prejudice. Having serious doubts and concerns about the biological veracity of homosexuality being equal to heterosexuality is not a sin of hatefulness, but an honest skepticism about the meaning and purpose of same sex, sex.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

What the World Needs Now, is Truth Sweet Truth!

Imagine a world where ultimate truth (God) was unknowable. A world where our origins, purpose, and meaning could never be determined and the value of a human person is zero. In this world, only human passions are law because ideas such as real goodness, moral truth, proper justice, mercy, and self sacrifice are lost to the savagery of indifference. Some claim that we do not need ultimate truth (God) to pursue goodness as a society, but this supposes that all will agree on what this "goodness" should entail, and that most will want to abide by this goodness. The most important flaw in this belief, is that it cannot validate authoritatively what "goodness" is, so why should anyone be forced to abide by a possibly invalid system? What if I believe I have a better system that works for me?

These ideas have been intruding on western civilization for a few hundred years, and society has felt the biter sting of this existential non-sense. This base humanism has found a warm home in destructive ideologies and these systems have dealt with their detractors by mass murder, prison camps, "re-education" facilities, terror, and political/social demagoguery. When man is the measure, the transcendent ideals of truth, morality, and beauty are crushed under the feet of subjectivity, moral confusion, and perversity. When we lose the hope of pursuing truth, or are forced to resign from this pursuit, our humanity is denied us ("Man shall not live by bread alone"). When God is abandoned, he is replaced with religious and intellectual superstitions that starve the soul with lies and deception.

Truth is not an option; We must find it or die because without the truth (God) we are already dead. Jesus said, "If you do not believe that I am, you will die in your sins". He also claimed to be truth. If he is life and truth and we refuse him, the only other option is death. If we as Christian believe we have the ultimate truth (not all truth) revealed in Jesus Christ, our responsibility is apparent. We must speak about Christ death, burial, and resurrection, and forgiveness for sins, and we must work out our own salvation with humility and determination before God (the Truth) and the world. This is difficult because self deception and hypocrisy are so much easier and tuned to our nature. We are surrounded by kingdoms of lies, our own fallen nature, and constant temptation to dim the light of Christ. We must encase ourselves with scripture and with the company of true believers. We must take every opportunity of spiritual comfort, wisdom, love, and truth, and pray daily for the power to shine the ultimate truth revealed in Jesus Christ. TOTT