Mystery of Heaven: Part 2

If we could suddenly be transported into heaven in our current state, I wonder if we could even stand the holy, peaceful calm of a world completely void of sin; would we even understand what we were experiencing. Could we contain it? It is my opinion that we are not given specifics about certain experiences because we are too sinful to be honorable with such knowledge (MT 7:6 Do not give dogs what is sacred). The possible quiet of heaven may seem unpalatable to some; where is the excitement and adventure? Where is the danger and risk? What fun is a place without risk? If there will be risk and adventure after the resurrection, I have no idea what that would possibly be. I would be willing to bet we would not understand it here and now.
A place where there is no bloodshed and sorrow is conceivable, but still hard to imagine. A place where people do not lie, cheat, or destroy would be a wonderful place, but what would all of us news junkies have to look forward to. To a large degree, our world functions on negative action, i.e. war, politics, greed, and Hollywood, so if you remove all of these worldly machinations, what will be left? Can the modern man be satisfied with peacefulness? Heaven may be hell for many in our culture who thrive on vice and violence, or who at least enjoy its portrayal. If anyone loves there sin and rather not do without it, heaven will not be any comfort. Heaven is the antithetical reality of this world, and if we love the sinful things of this world, it is highly unlikely we will love heaven. TOTT